Monday, December 17, 2012

12/17/12 - What the heck is MTHFR?! And NOW what? (Resources)

Probably like you, the first thing I did when I got my diagnosis was google my butt off! I found a good amount of information but was still overwhelmed and confused.

My favorite explanation (short and sweet) with symptoms list is here:

Dr. Ben's extensive explanation and full website is here:

I've only had my diagnosis for a month and I went on vacation right after I got it so I decided to be in denial until I got back and could really deal with it. My husband and I had a lonnnnnnnng talk about how we wanted to approach things and decided that as badly as we wanted a baby, the most important thing was getting me healthy. So, a few days ago I researched blog sites, etc. for Docs in my area who were known for treating MTHFR or working with MTHFR fertility cases.

I found five. I called all of them. Most were MDs who wanted to take an aggressive approach with fertility treatments, going straight to injections and IUI (with IVF to follow if unsuccessful). Yikes! Everyone's journey is different and even though we want a baby soooooo badly and my age is a factor, we aren't comfortable forcing my body into anything until we've tried every other option first. We could do an IUI asap but the MTHFR means my body wouldn't be ready and it probably wouldn't be a successful pregnancy. We've been through enough heartache. We want to do this right.

Then I got a phone call from an ARNP who not only has MTHFR herself but has treated people successfully for 3+ years AND has helped several couples achieve beautiful, healthy babies (even after they'd tried everything else and given up). The best part? She prefers our method too! She says that often once people start treating MTHFR they go through a detox, and we wouldn't want all those toxins going into my blood stream while a baby was growing would we? So, I meet with her for the first time on Wednesday (12/19) and after we get my labwork back from my MD and get started on a protocol, it should be about 3 months and we can start trying to make a baby!

(Dr. Ben's website above has a list of tests he recommends you get in addition to the MTHFR test, since it will give you a more complete guide on how to treat your specific case)

P.S. here is where I state that I am NOT a medical professional or trying to give you medical advice. I just want to share my story and the resources I found helpful :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this with us. I have had many ladies deliver on my unit (remember I work in L&D)who have the MTHFR gene and have been successful. I know you will too!
